Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Sorry, your blush reflex disqualifies you from that position.

I am now four weeks back into school, and I have already discovered several things about my future plans that I did not know.

1) Organizational Psychology is not for me. I don't care how many times you throw terms "behavioral" or "cognitive functioning" around, this is NOT Psychology. All I have learned this semester is that when you try to train people, they are not going to listen to you, mostly because they are all looking for a higher-paying job anyway. Unless, of course, you spend millions turning all corporate training into super-fun video games, which tricks people into paying attention. Oh, and you always must trick people into thinking they have advanced, even when they haven't, or else they will be sad and leave for higher paying jobs when you have already spent millions training them. Seriously, that is what I am taking away from this particular learning experience. Organizational Psychologists, ye are saints!

2) Sex therapist? OK, first let me ask you this. Is there some sort of medical procedure I could undergo to fry off the blood vessels in my face to prevent blushing? Clearly, I am not meant to talk to people about their erectile dysfunction or undying love for a vacuum cleaner, because you could have fried an egg on my face when I read that chapter. I mean, I blush when someone asks me where I bought my jeans, what would happen if a patient asked me where to buy a vibrator??? When presented with a case study asking 1) What diagnosis would be given and 2) What treatment options should be tried, it took everything in me just to TYPE, "To help overcome her inhibitions about sex, patient X should try saying or screaming aloud how she feels during arousal." Yup, see? I am blushing now. While interesting, this could not be a future career.

3) I always thought that I would be a child psychologist, for many reasons. Drawing from my own experiences as a child, I know there is a great need for people to help those who can not help themselves. Then, as I worked more and more with people in all stages of grief over their pets- diagnosis to treatment to eventual death of this beloved family member, I thought, "This might be for me- this could be an area where I could really help someone." And then, mental illness in general is just so fascinating to me, and people suffer so greatly from it, perhaps I should seek a general counseling degree, where I can help everyone!
And then I read a chapter about behavioral medicine, and am further fascinated. Doubling the lifespan of cancer patients through group therapy? It really happened, in replicated studies! Integrating physiological, psychological and behavioral factors has lead to some very cool, very helpful treatments- and the field is growing. How cool is that???

It seems like the more I 'know' what I want, the less I am actually sure of. Can't I just be everything???

Sunday, July 26, 2009

Line in the Sand

Dear Cats,
I understand that you think that you are very mistreated. I mean, you could live with the meager scratching posts (three), cat trees (two), beds (six), and other toys (8 million) with moderate complaining, but the food situation? Ack! What cruel twist of fate stuck you with a mom who refuses to allow you to each weigh 35#, thus denying you the joys of diabetes and arthritis? Much less the joy of living in a cardboard box, because spending $24,000 a year on cat food would leave little for the frivolous things like a home or electricity!

Cats, while I realize this is hard for you, this living off 3/4 cup of dry food, 1/2 can of wet food and treats every day, you are going to have to suck it up. I don't care how hungry you still are, nothing, and I mean NOTHING, gives you the right to steal my chocolate chip cookies off the counter while I am in the bathroom.

Love always,
Your harried mom

Moving Day

Welcome to my new blog home. Questions anyone?

Crazy Girl! Why did you start a new blog?
Well, when I started Musings and Ventilation, I was in an unhappy place in my life. I just wanted a place to vent, and perhaps even sort through the patterns to see what it was, exactly, that was making me so unhappy. And then there were days that I just wanted to write- put a little bit out there in the world about something that I truly loved, or was especially touched by that day. As things about my situation started to shift, I began to shy away from my blog- we just didn't fit together anymore. It was a lovely relationship, but we grew apart. It was a amicable break-up though, one where we can occasionally run into each other on the street and share an ice cream sundae, chatting about life.

Well, glad you guys can still be friends. What's up with this new title???
This may make me sound a little crazy, but it stems from a coping mechanism of mine. When I start to get anxious/overwhelmed/overstimulated, I take a deep breath focus on 'me is who i am.' I don't know how it came about, but it works as a calming thing on many levels. I am someone who can handle anything, so why be stressed? If I do fail, it's a part of me and will make me a better person. If something does go wrong, there are tons of other things that will go right. Again, this weird little meditation came from somewhere higher than me, and I can't really explain it, but it works.

So why didn't you call the site "Me is Who I Am?"
Cuz someone else had taken it. I guess the universe spoke to them as well.

So what will you write about here?
Life. School. Work. My pets. Horse racing. Whatever I have learned or felt that day. Nothing earth shattering, nothing terribly interesting.... just me. And who I am.


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